Chris Hampson is Chief Executive at Look Ahead Care, Support and Housing, a regulated social landlord and social care provider. 

This year, the Starts at Home campaign is recognising and celebrating the winning combination of care, support, and housing, and the value they bring to people’s lives. Here at Look Ahead, we deliver over 110 of these integrated services and see the significant impact they can make to our residents. 

Chris Hampson

To that end, we are joining the National Housing Federation’s calls for the government to commit to at least 167,000 more supported homes by 2040, and to implement a plan for housing that includes long-term funding for supported housing. 

Supported housing and living play a key part in opening up communities and expanding opportunities for people who need support in our society. It also supports people who have been let down by societal attitudes and beliefs about what disabled people or those with support needs can achieve.  

Whether you’re young and have experienced a mental health crisis, or an adult with a learning disability who has spent decades in hospital, the right home, care, and support package can prove key to you moving forwards with your life and towards greater independence. 

Look Ahead’s services specialise in supporting people with a learning disability and autism, mental health, care experienced young people, as well as homelessness, and complex needs – including domestic abuse – and we’ve seen this truth born out time and again.  

Alice’s story 

Let me share a story. Alice (not her real name) is autistic, has a severe learning disability, and sometimes shows behaviours of distress. She moved into her own Look Ahead bungalow in Hertfordshire back in 2022 aged 55, after 45 years in a hospital placement. The way she has thrived with us in the last couple of years has been wonderful for all at Look Ahead to see. 

Alice had spent most of her time at the hospital in her room, unable to engage with other residents and enjoy communal spaces. However, at Look Ahead she is happy in her own space and is supported to make her own choices about what she wants to do, and where she wants to go. Now she goes out into the community, enjoys activities like puzzles and board games and spends summer afternoons in her garden. A life-changing transformation. Alice had previously been described as ‘impossible to work with’. But, at Look Ahead, we focus on the person, and their experiences rather than labels. What remains clear however, is that a safe, comfortable home and the right care and support were instrumental in empowering Alice to make these great strides and to start living the type of life many had assumed would be impossible for her. 

Creating the right homes 

Creating the right home environment for a resident is crucial. Let me tell you about two properties we’ve worked on recently.  

We recently completely refurbished a property, which will soon offer a homely and bespoke supported living service designed for an individual with a learning disability. We have received excellent feedback from local commissioners about the design and scope of the building, all very much designed to what this gentleman both needs and wants. We look forward to supporting him to make this environment his home over the coming months.  

In West London, we recently extensively refurbished two buildings which will provide a new twin site community rehabilitation supported living service for young people with mental health needs. The housing element is key to providing a safe, homely environment that is a psychologically informed and comfortable space for young people to continue with their recovery. Having a safe home works together with the trauma-informed support service and expert input from psychologists and clinical partners, as well as the young people who are at the heart of all decision-making. This means we will be able to offer a unique supported housing model, filling the gap between mental health services for children and adults. 

The stories highlighted in this blog show the importance not only of bricks and mortar, but also specialist support and staffing. These elements together provide services that deliver real and sustained impact, for individuals with very different needs and aspirations. A place to call home is key to self-esteem, wellbeing, and independence. We’re proud to play our part in the social housing landscape that delivers all three.