Today is Starts at Home Day, a day when housing associations up and down the country celebrate supported housing and the positive impact it makes on thousands of lives.

This day of action is central to the Starts at Home campaign, a campaign that has a simple but important aim – to ensure that people who need extra support will always have a safe home that meets their needs.

Because that’s what supported housing does. Supported housing exists to ensure those with support needs can lead a healthy and fulfilling life within their own home and community.

The services range widely but include:

  • emergency refuge and support for victims of domestic violence
  • supporting people with mental health needs to stabilise their lives
  • working with homeless people with complex and multiple needs to help them make the transition from life on the street to a settled home
  • supporting people with learning disabilities in the longer term to maximise their independence and exercise choice and control over their lives
  • supporting older people need to maintain their independence.

Looking at that list it’s easy to see how supported housing helps people keep their independence, regain their self-confidence and feel secure. It can, and does, transform lives.

On Starts at Home Day we celebrate these services, but we also want you to meet some of the people that have been supported through these services.

Housing associations should be proud of providing these services and helping thousands of people every day. And that’s why I’m wishing you all a Happy Starts at Home Day. Join us in celebrating and tell us why supported housing matters to you by using the hashtag #startsathome.

Join the celebration on social media:

