Reuben’s story

Reuben is 92 years old and lives at Charles Pearson Court, a Retirement Living Scheme provided by Nehemiah Housing, which serves the multicultural African Caribbean, Asian, Irish and European communities within the West Midlands.

Reuben previously lived in rented accommodation with family, due to health issues, limited mobility and visual impairement. Carers attended twice a day but he was socially isolated as his family were busy working.

He now feels more in control of his life and is included in all decision-making. He is less isolated, has made new friends, enjoys playing dominoes in the evenings and  appreciates having his own space and privacy.

Without supported housing Reuben would either have remained living with family, having to move around a lot into unsuitable accommodation or could have ended up in residential care. He would have lost his independence and this would have impacted negatively on his physical and mental wellbeing.

For Reuben, supported housing means independence, safety, wellbeing, staying in control, and easier access to other services.

Help raise awareness

Thousands of people have gained their independence through supported housing. The Starts at Home campaign aims to ensure that people who need extra support will always have a home that meets their needs.

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